
Showing posts from January, 2023
 Evening everyone, The weekend was amazing we went hiking, swimming and adventuring and we all loved every minute we were exhausted but it was so worth it.  Started the weekend at the lake with the Jet Ski and tube and just laid by the lake and relaxed didn't think about anything or focus on any problems just enjoyed ourselves.  Then we finished the weekend at Yarrangobilly caves where we trekked for 3klm admired amazing caves and amazing natural architecture. Then we walked the 1klm down to the Thermal springs and swum in the warm water and cold rain and it was just so reviving just getting in nature there were kangaroo's and fog, and it was stunning we were even lucky enough to see some brumbies on our drive out. Honestly, I think I could spend my life out there, no phone reception, no disturbance just focusing on life etc. Then came today........... I started the day as I would with my usual morning coffee and meeting then received a call from Mum in heaps of pain I he...
 Good morning All!! How is everyone's Wednesday going? Here in Australia, we have a public holiday tomorrow for "Australia Day" I won't be celebrating the day as I don't agree with the date specifically but will enjoy a nice relaxing day off. We were going to go camping this weekend but have decided to spend the weekend doing day trips instead as we already live in such a beautiful place so if you follow my socials, you can expect plenty of jet ski and motorbike action!  I got my nails done this morning so feeling nice and a fresh again. What have you done for you today? Remember what I said yesterday do things for you, let someone else do the household jobs it's not all on you and it's up to you to change it, it's up to you to control your happiness - you get one life, live it the way you want to not what other people need from you! Just a quick update today as I am busy at work but hope you all have a fabulous Wednesday! Sam X 
 Good evening everyone!! Thought I would mix it up today and finish the day with my blog, today was a good day. Finally did all the book supplies for my youngest and got my eldest enrolled in-home schooling which I believe is the best option for her she just can't socially handle the bullies etc. and you can already see her anxiety rising at the prospect of school next week.  Work was good made some head way with new clients although I still cannot wait to get started with enagic and start building my own personal brand. Mum is good we found different meals to puree today, and she has just had dinner and loved it so all in all today was a winner! I also just finished it with some extra self-care - bath with candles, music, bath bombs and lavender salt. Honeslty everyone treat yourself to something for you today or tomorrow be it a run or a good book spend 20 minutes a day on you and only YOU!! Although both my children came to speak to me whilst in the bath it was still amazin...
 Hey everyone, Sorry, there hasn't been an update for the past week, but I was so busy with mum in surgery in Canberra and I had my friend here who I haven't seen in 10 years, so I didn't even open my computer all week which in a way was lovely!  Mum's surgery went well, although I am so annoyed with her doctor in QLD, he said she didn't need the surgery my doctor told her we won't talk about what will happen if you don't have it and after surgery the surgeons said they have never seen anything like it.  So, mum had a Hernia for a long time which had pushed her stomach into her left lung she could hardly eat anything, and it was hard for her to breathe I am so happy she has had it done as her quality of life is going to be so much better now.  It was nice to get home sorted and spend a bit of time one and one with the girls. Wake up each morning and not have to rush off to work.  I still feel lost I have decided I want to learn Spanish and how to sail. I thi...
 Good Morning, Mum and my friend arrived safely through the night; they are having a well-deserved sleep. I am sat at my back table writing this staring at the countryside, the sun is out and there is a beautiful breeze, my kids are healthy and happy, I have a great job and coworkers and I am realizing just how blessed I am.  I may not know who I am besides a mother and wife but I am working on that by reevaluating my friendships, hobbies and habits because I am blessed but why does that not make me happy, why is that not enough? 2023 will be a big year I know it and we will be better off financially at the end of it, but as they say money doesn't buy happiness. What is my happy and why can't I work it out?  I don't know who I am anymore, and it sounds so stupid, and I don't know how to work it out or find myself again and I am absolutely certain there are other mum's and wives out there that feel the same way so how do we change it. I have always been a glass half ...
 HAPPY FRIDAY!!! What are everyone's plans for the weekend, I am not a drinker, but I think after the week I have had drinking may be an option lol, Mum is also due back this weekend as she has to have surgery on Monday, so last weekend's drive was a bit of a waste of time.  It will be good to have her back, life has been lonely these last few days with no adult to talk to except at work, all our friends are mostly my husbands friends so they have been with him which is fine but it leaves me on my own. I will be ok though the more days that pass the better I feel. I cannot wait to start enagic next month and earn some good money as supporting myself even with my income is a big concern.  Have a fantastic weekend everyone I hope you all make the most of it! Sam X 
 Good Morning all,  I am a bit broken today, my husband and best friend whom I have been with 15 years, we just don't get along anymore we only have the kids in common and I think we have hit an irreversible road block, I believe I am the biggest problem, I just don't know who I am anymore I have no interests or hobbies outside being a wife and a mother and I don't know how to change the way I am currently feeling. I suggested therapy he suggested a weekend away just the two of us - but what do we talk about? Then he said he is just going to go so that's fun I suggested a trial separation to get to know ourselves again but that's a no go, I am just in a state of numbness, and I don't know where to go from here. Besides that work is the same pushing along nicely and the girls are great, Mum has to have surgery on Monday so we are working out a way to get her and her dog here without me having to drive 30+ hours again but we will see of course I will do the drive ...
 Hey everyone,  OMG so the drive on the weekend was hectic! We left at 5:30pm on Friday and didn't get back until 6pm Sunday it was so long but with great company which is always good!  I don't know what happened on my socials between Sunday and now but I have had over 4000 friend requests and over 6000 PM and I feel super bad because I can't physically reply to everyone and work and raise kids its insane!  So for any of my social followers if I haven't replied to you I am sorry but its been a crazy few days I will get there when I can :-)  How is everyone's weeks going so far? Are all the parents out there enjoying school holidays? My kids are getting a bit of cabin fever I think lol, and we have a house inspection this week, perfect considering its school holidays honestly I don't think real estates have a brain sometimes!  Anyway just a quick update today, back to it I suppose.  Sam x 
 Happy Friday ALL!!!!!  How was everyone's first working week of the year? Mine was ok, no use in complaining we all work to improve our lives so that's what we do.  I did apply for another job yesterday and OMG it's my dream, so cross your fingers and toes for me, its a fundraising management role for a non for profit and honestly this is where my true passion lies.  Over the years I have managed fundraising teams and have raised millions for charity organizations around the world. It is the most rewarding work I can do and knowing my work goes directly to helping millions of less fortunate is where my heart lies so I will do anything to get the position I applied for and as an added bonus it is fully remote so I can get the girls into remote schooling which I believe what's best for my eldest who has severe social anxiety and be at home if they need anything, it also means we could travel whenever we want and I could work at the same time, it would enable us to hav...
 Happy Thursday, we have nearly made it to the weekend. It's another cold and dreary day here, we have a few days of summer last week and will hopefully get another few next week, plan is to grab them when they come and hit the lake!  We definitely can't put our winter clothes away; I had my snow jacket on yesterday and today its only 12 degrees who would think we are in Australia. I wish it was snowing at least that would be reason to be this cold and we could hit the slopes lol. I joined in on a digital master class last night and it was fantastic getting a different view on how to manage your social media accounts from someone who has many successful paid collaborations there is definitely a lot of money to be earned on social media when done correctly, my brain feels like its going to explode with everything I am learning! Fingers crossed it all pays off Anyway, I best do some of my 9-5 work I suppose, I hope you all have a fabulous Thursday! Sam x 
 Good morning everyone, how are you all recovering after Christmas/New Year's week? I am back at work and it's a hard reality to get back to, I am hoping next year will be different - sorry let me re word that next year WILL be different because I am going to work my toosh off to ensure this year I get into the online space successfully and have a fully automated business that can earn me money to live my life the way life should be lived!  I do like my job in fact some days I love it but to have the freedom to do what you want when you want is what I really desire, to not miss any sports days or dance recitals or snowboarding comps. Yesterday at work I realized management care about revenue not the staff, which is fair enough it's a business, it may sound petty to some, but I will give you some background I am an advertising consultant with many clients in a small town, last year a consultant from another town poached one of my business's too advertise in their town, s...