Happy Thursday, we have nearly made it to the weekend. It's another cold and dreary day here, we have a few days of summer last week and will hopefully get another few next week, plan is to grab them when they come and hit the lake! 

We definitely can't put our winter clothes away; I had my snow jacket on yesterday and today its only 12 degrees who would think we are in Australia. I wish it was snowing at least that would be reason to be this cold and we could hit the slopes lol.

I joined in on a digital master class last night and it was fantastic getting a different view on how to manage your social media accounts from someone who has many successful paid collaborations there is definitely a lot of money to be earned on social media when done correctly, my brain feels like its going to explode with everything I am learning! Fingers crossed it all pays off

Anyway, I best do some of my 9-5 work I suppose, I hope you all have a fabulous Thursday!

Sam x 


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