Good evening everyone!!

Thought I would mix it up today and finish the day with my blog, today was a good day. Finally did all the book supplies for my youngest and got my eldest enrolled in-home schooling which I believe is the best option for her she just can't socially handle the bullies etc. and you can already see her anxiety rising at the prospect of school next week. 

Work was good made some head way with new clients although I still cannot wait to get started with enagic and start building my own personal brand.

Mum is good we found different meals to puree today, and she has just had dinner and loved it so all in all today was a winner!

I also just finished it with some extra self-care - bath with candles, music, bath bombs and lavender salt. Honeslty everyone treat yourself to something for you today or tomorrow be it a run or a good book spend 20 minutes a day on you and only YOU!! Although both my children came to speak to me whilst in the bath it was still amazing to just lay there, relax and just breathe. Remember every day to JUST BREATHE 

Every obstacle thrown at you can and will be overcome if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl just don't stop moving forward! 

All the mums out there, remember you're not just a mother or just a wife you are your own person do something for you! 

Tomorrow my nails are booked in so I can feel even fresher and no matter what my kids eat 3 meals a day, sleep in a nice warm bed every night and have a loving attentive family so don't feel guilty for doing something for you, I work hard to provide for my family I deserve some things for me as well, it took me 14 years to realize - don't let it take you this long!

Have wonderful dreams and I shall speak to you all tomorrow!

Sam X 

P.S - If your kids are old enough let them cook dinner, let your husband cook dinner it won't kill them they will be fine. I am sat here in my clean house after working all day, soaking in a bath relaxing on my couch watching TV and the kids are cooking dinner and their happy and proud to be contributing don't do everything yourself - you don't need too. 


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