Well, where do I start, life is great but my goodness it can kick you in the butt regularly!
I plan on blogging every day because it's like a diary that everyone can read and hopefully maybe help someone or encourage someone that may be struggling or show people things can be great even if they have been awful. In saying that, this blog will be my longest as I have to introduce my whole life thus far to you......after this one I just want to discuss my daily challenges, wins and losses and hopefully inspire other people out there.
I am 34 years old; I have a wonderful husband (even though we have our days) and 2 beautiful daughters (one of which is pushing me every day)
I am a marketing consultant and am finally happy in a man's world (hopefully things are changing for the better).
I was born in New Zealand which was a whole thing, my amazing mother had 2 children before me and when she had my sister they tied her tubes during an emergency c-section as it was too dangerous to have any more children, when she was 41 she found out despite that emergency 16 years earlier I was born despite all the odds. When I was younger, I used to think I was a mistake because I was definitely never planned etc but now I look at the whole situation and think what an amazingly brave woman I am blessed to call my mum. To already be a mother of 2 and then be told if you follow through with this pregnancy it will kill you and take that risk at 41 years old is amazing and not sure I could cope with and without such an amazing person I wouldn't be here today!
I was born in Rotorua and my family relocated to Wellington when I was 3. I attended kindy in NZ and from what I can remember it was lovely, now as a fully grown adult I have great respect that the Maori culture is included so heavily in schools, and I believe wherever we go in the world the countries first people should be acknowledged in everyday life, their languages and cultures respected.
When I was 7 we relocated to Australia, Brisbane to be specific and then moved shortly after that too Mackay. My Dad was a Gas Engineer which enabled us to travel worldwide regularly, and mum picked up work wherever we went to keep herself busy either admin or delivery etc.
We stayed in the central QLD region until I was 10 and then the real travelling began, my Dad got a job in Iraq and as scary as it was to say goodbye to him, we were able to travel far and frequently. Between the ages of 10 and 18 I lived in Australia, Burma, UAE, England and holidayed in many other regions.
Due to the large wage my father received and the fact that he wasn't around much I was spoilt rotten and not afraid to admit it, I had been to every Disney land in the world and anything I wanted I got and then we went to Burma (Myanmar) Dad was on a contract in a small town on the border of Thailand at the time Burma was still military run but his company got permission for families of engineers to come over for Christmas and New Year's Eve. We were in a compound surrounded my huge fences with barbed wire at the top due to a tiger having cubs and attacking locals the fence was to keep us safe. My favorite thing to do while there was to spend time in the local village, I cannot explain how happy the locals were, people that have next to nothing always smiling and looking at the glass half full. As citizens of western countries, we are so focused on all the negatives, yet we have so much more and focus on everything wrong in our lives, I hope the small villages within southeast Asian countries never change because as westerners we may feel sorry for them, but they are so happy, and we should take some lessons from them on basic happiness without medications and diagnosis etc.
We always had a base in Australia on the sunshine coast QLD, this is where I met my husband he started as my best friend from meeting him when I was 13. We hung out more than we hung out with our boyfriend/girlfriend he was my rock as a teenager, but we never even kissed. When I was 16 I moved to Newcastle and lost touch with my husband and didn't see him for 2 years then shortly after my 18th birthday I met up with him again on a trip to the sunny coast and life went from there, we got married when I was 21 - I know super young but we had been friends for such a long time I genuinely married my best friend.
Since then, we have had 2 children and they are now 10 and 13 and life is good, we both have good jobs, we don't own a home but that will be discussed in another blog, we travel as often as we can but still live paycheck to paycheck. Life can be a struggle for younger families who still want to live their lives and not just work.
I work for a national company and do all the advertising for them, I have been in marketing a volunteer positions since turning 15 and only had a 2 week break after each of the kids were born, I love to work and keep my brain active but take my hat off to stay at home mums as they have the hardest but most rewarding job in the world and I believe it could be a pretty lonely one.
My husband has always worked in the civil construction industry, for the most it keeps him happy I know hates never having much in the way of savings, but we are healthy and happy so what more could you ask for right?
I hope you have enjoyed my first blog, I am going to write many more on specific events in my life over the past 34 years and then aim to update my daily life each day.
Thanks for reading :-)
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